happens when you create a marketing promotion from a fictitious travel agency
to test the effectiveness of standard envelopes, printed envelopes,
self-mailers, wrappers, and email? RAPP Germany, a multichannel marketing
agency, hired Neilsen to find out.
all other factors equal, RAPP wanted to know, which techniques would be most
successful? It found that envelopes have a tremendous impact on the
effectiveness of the direct marketing piece, especially if they are
to the study, while custom-manufactured envelopes had the highest open rate of
all of the marketing techniques tested (85%), personalization was key to
success. Recipients who received non-personalized mailings were three times
more likely to throw the mail in the trash or delete it than recipients who
received a personalized mailing.
when recipients were predisposed to the marketing message, recipients of
personalized messaging were more likely to indicate that they intended to
investigate the travel offer further online. Forty-four percent said they would
investigate the travel offer further online compared to 37% of those who
received static mailings.
received via personalized, printed envelope were also more likely to be passed
along to friends and family. According to the survey, marketing messages mailed
via personalized envelope were twice as likely to be passed along (14% vs. 8%)
than personalized emails.
to increase your response rates? Personalize your message inside and out!
Source: “Consumers Value Physical Mail, Even In This
Digital Era,” Print in the Mix (www.printinthemix.com)
Jeff Lampert
Director of Marketing and Business Development
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― Mahatma Gandhi