What does it
take to create customer loyalty, the kind of loyalty that makes customers stick
with you, even when their favorite sales representative, hair stylist or financial
advisor moves on? Even when your prices change? Or when the extra 10 miles
between your store and someone else’s means they spend an extra half-gallon of
gas to reach you?
Here are some tips from the
1. Know your customer base. Do you know who your customers are?
Customer bases are not homogenous. They are made up of different demographics,
with different needs and with different motivators for shopping with you.
Profiling your customers can tell you a lot about how to keep them.
Then take it a step further. Find
out not just who your customers are, but what they think. When was the last
time you did a customer survey or conducted a focus group?
The more you get to know the
unique demographic and psychographic makeup of your customer base, the more you
are able to adjust products and services to respond to their unique needs and
the more likely you are to hang onto their loyalty.
2. Make it personal. Shift from mass mailings and generic
communications to 1:1 print communications as much as possible. This should go
beyond “Dear <<name>>” and include content driven by demographics,
demonstrated preferences or past purchase history. The goal here is not just to
let your customers know that you know their names, but to increase the relevance
of your communications to their lives. Large online retailers like Amazon.com
use this strategy to great success—shouldn’t you?
3. Spread the communication around. Some companies assign each
customer a specific customer service representative or sales consultant. This
creates a special relationship between customer and sales rep that can be
invaluable. The downside is that this relationship can become so valuable that,
should the sales rep leave the company, your customer might be willing to leave
with them. For this reason, encourage your customers to have multiple contact
points within your company. Try to avoid relationships being through a single
4. Increase the frequency. Stay in communication with your
customers on a regular basis, not just when there is a special promotion or
event. This is the idea behind monthly newsletters and “tips and tricks”
postcards, especially those personalized to each recipient’s individual needs.
This develops a relationship that creates a value beyond price and convenience
and keeps your company top of mind.
5. Reinforce and reward loyalty. When customers are loyal, let them
know that you appreciate it. Send them a thank-you once in awhile. Then reward
them for that loyalty. Send them special “loyal customer” discounts,
personalized to their unique habits and preferences whenever possible.
Retaining customers takes effort.
It requires a customer retention plan and
an intentional, focused effort to keep those customers you’ve worked so hard to
have. What’s your plan?
Jeff Lampert
Director of Marketing and Business Development
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other"
-Abraham Lincoln